Thursday, May 27, 2010

10 Promises of a Pastors Wife

1. I will disappoint you.

2. I will at some point offend you.

3. I will lash out at you if you attack my husband or children.

4. I will discipline you children in the church if they are disrespectful or disruptive. If you would prefer that I do not, then please take your ministry as a parent very seriously and be respectful of others attending service or events.

5. I will never expect my children to set and example for yours. You are responsible for being your children’s example.

6. I will never expect certain behavior from my children because their dad is the pastor. I would expect no more or less from my children no matter what their father’s profession. I expect certain behavior only on the grounds that they are my children.

7. I will love you as a sister or brother in Christ. However being the pastor’s wife does not require me to be your best friend. Loving and liking someone are two very different things. Your church attendance should not hinge on being my friend.

8. I will always keep a part of family and myself from you. You will never know me as well as you believe you do. So please do not assume you know my motives.

9. I will not always attend every event. Your attendance should be based on what is best for your family. However God does require the sacrifice of the Sabbath of us.

10. I will always put God, my husband, my children and sanity before you. If you do the same you will not be offended by this promise.

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